25 Mart 2017 Cumartesi

"Earth's Flag" which represents the humanity

In recent days, the most controversial issue, especially in social media, was the world flag designed by Oskar Pernefeld.

Pernefeldt's project as a graduation project has begun to become more and more accepted in the social media. This project, supported by technology giants LG, Bsmart and US space agency NASA, is the result of a search for a flag that will represent 7 billion people.

This blue flag is composed of 7 circles. In the middle of the flag, flower made of circles symbolize the life in the world and each one of the circle symbolizes a continent.

According to Pernefeld, astronauts who go a long way represent humanity, not a country.

Because NASA has also supported this project, this flag can be used in the future Mars colony. Of course, we can not say that this flag will mean anything diplomatically until we meet another intelligent living species from another planet.

AdminTerk Web Developer

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